Qbryzan Speaks

Monday, July 11, 2005

VooDoo Entertainment

There is a war going on in America, but despite what you may have heard this is not a Red State/Blue State conflict, or a Republican/Democrat split. The dividing line in America today is between the people who fear they will see another bare breast on TV, and the people who fear they will not.

Breasts are incredibly motivating, and they would be a fine reason to fight a war, but this conflict is really about something much more serious - the voodoo power of entertainment. Believe it or not, there are people out there who believe that watching Britney Spears causes sexual promiscuity, that playing video games makes you violent, and even that watching MTV will make you stupid. Don't get me wrong, the youth of today is largely composed of stupid, violent sluts, but blaming the entertainment industry is just slightly more insane than blaming the alligators for the lack of snow in Florida.

Our culture is obsessed with serial killers. Every 17 seconds someone writes yet another story about a serial killer. We have movies about serial killers who kill other serial killers, serial killers who kill the people who hunt serial killers, and serial killers who kill the people who write screenplays about serial killers (ok, I made the last one up). If these movies, tv shows, and books actually had the power to cause people to kill the streets would be running red with blood. You'd never be able to get a day off from work, because all the people that could cover for you would be dead. You wouldn't even be able to finish watching a serial killer movie without someone trying to kill you. The positive effect would be a reduction in the number of serial killer movies, but alas these stories don't control behavior any more than ducks control the weather.

Lots of people have listened to the Beatles without feeling the need to slaughter. I consider their music to not only be very entertaining, but completely safe for the entire family, although if there is a danger risk I think we all owe Yoko a great big apology.

Making mistakes is difficult, and taking responsibility is doubly hard. It's easy to blame others, and even easier to blame the forms of entertainment that you don't enjoy. I've got a fairly good argument that "Touched by an angel" causes theft and possibly cancer, but I am keeping it to myself, lest I become one of *them*. Find some entertainment you enjoy, tolerate the stuff you don't, and above all don't blame the evil you cause on Celine Dion, she's responsible for enough pain already.


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