Qbryzan Speaks

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

To whom it may concern...

Please stop pointing out that "Reality TV" is not "reality". We all get it, Alanis, the name is ironic. It's just a convenient name for the genre. Soap Operas contain virtually no opera, does that disturb you as well?

I can only speak for myself (and occasionally for the trees, through my part-time job as Lorax), but I get far too much "actual reality" as it is. Most of it is filled with people complaining about TV. It is the last thing I want to experience through my television. Broadcasting it would be like digging an escape tunnel from the Gulag to the Prison.

It's insane to want reality coming out of your TV, and I should know, since I actually own a TV. But contrived situations, whatever you want to call them, make for some great entertainment.


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