Qbryzan Speaks

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Playing God

I have to admit I've been very busy. All this recent talk about stem-cell research and human cloning has me all excited, and so I have added onto my already expansive lab in the hopes of doing some cloning of my own. This should come as no surprise to those of you who know me, but I just can't wait for the opportunity to play god. Or even to be god. Hell, at this point I'll settle for being the guy who gets god his lattes, in the hopes that it is a position that has a chance for advancement. It's all about networking.

Of course, anyone who has seen "Swimming with Sharks" (an excellent film by the way, Kevin Spacey may actually be god...), would probably conclude that the hazing one gets from a studio executive would probably be nothing compared to the daily wrath of the almighty when you bring sweet-and-low and he asked for equal. Still, I'd be more than willing to endure multiple plagues for the chance to advance to a position where I can make the BIG decisions.

I'm sure the position would involve a great deal of screening prayers, weeding out the endless requests for money, beer and sex, and helping the big guy respond to the truly important issues, like saving good TV shows that are bound for cancellation, giving out Grammy awards, and helping sports teams win in a clutch situation (as I understand it, these sorts of things are usually resolved by which team prays harder, as displayed on the prayometer).

In the meantime I will continue to pad my resume with fictitious jobs and experience, since god must be way too busy to check references, and I bet he'd trust me. Maybe I'll even include a prayer or two in the cover letter. "...Our father who art in heaven, how's the weather up there? Just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the gopher II position (the one involving being a lackey, not a rodent, in case there is any confusion). Please let me know if I can provide any additional information that might assist you in making your decision, although being all-knowing you probably don't need my help. Your will be done. Amen."

And while I wait I have begun my work on cloning myself. If I am successful, I think I will call him "Ubryzan", since I am finding a 'Q' without a 'U' is relatively crippled.

And if any of you have any time on your hands, can you put in a good word for me? I promise to shut down my Global Warming Machine(tm), since my threats have fallen on deaf ears, and I don't think I'll be getting that $10 Billion ransom. Of course, they might start to take me seriously when those ice caps start to melt...


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